Aging Analytics Agency Co-Founder Delivers Keynote Presentation on Longevity and COVID Analytics at Longevity Policy & Governance Summit
Dmitry Kaminskiy on Longevity Governance and COVID-19 Analytics at Landmark Summit Featuring British Members of Parliament, Department Heads of UAE Ministry of Health & Japanese Ministry of Economy
On November 11th 2020 Aging Analytics Agency Co-Founder Dmitry Kaminsky gave a keynote presentation on the launch of Longevity Governance and COVID-19 Big Data Analytics Dashboards at the 2nd Annual International Longevity Policy & Governance Summit hosted by Longevity International (the All-Party Parliamentary group for Longevity Secretariat)
Kaminskiy’s speech unveiled for the first time to the public alpha versions of two landmark projects produced by Deep Knowledge Group’s DeepTech and Longevity-focused analytical subsidiaries: Aging Analytics Agency’s Longevity Governance Big Data Analytics Dashboard and Deep Knowledge Analytics COVID-19 Analytics Dashboard, highlighting key findings and major characteristics shared by Longevity-Progressive regions and by governments with high effective responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Key features among regions that scored well in both COVID and Longevity include explicit prioritization of several specific sectors and technologies including Preventive Medicine, Efficient GovTech (eGovernance), Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence, and robust National Healthy Longevity Industrial Strategies.
The summit featured keynote presentations and panels from a number of distinguished government officials at the forefront of Longevity Policy and Governance, including H.E. Dr. Al Amiri (Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health Policy and Licensing, Ministry of Health and Prevention, United Arab Emirates), Inamura Takuma (Director, Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan), Sir Robert Lechler (President, Academy of Medical Sciences; Special Advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee for the Response to COVID-19), Brian Kennedy (Director, Centre for Healthy Ageing; National University of Singapore), Lord Geoffrey Filkin CBE and Rt. Hon Damian Green (Members of British Parliament).

The Longevity Governance Dashboard applies big data analysis and realtime data feeds to identify social policy, healthcare, medical, financial and socioeconomic factors having the greatest effect on the gap between life expectancy at birth and Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) for 100 regions, delivering access to continuous monitoring of the specific governmental policy activities directly impacting both National Healthy Longevity and Longevity Industrialization, and to consistently track and analyze data points related to government-led Longevity Development initiatives, in order to help national governments and relevant governmental departments, ministries and bodies optimize their national healthcare, ageing and Longevity strategies and initiatives, obtain quantitative, sophisticated and easily-digestible competitive, comparative and SWOT analysis of themselves and their international allies, and actionable practical recommendations on best practices for transforming the challenge of ageing into the opportunity of Longevity for the benefit of their citizens and national economies.
The project is currently in its alpha phase, with many additional features and functionalities scheduled for release over the coming weeks and months, including predictive analytics, incorporation of machine learning to more precisely identify social, economic and health factors, practices and policies with the strongest correlations to competitive National Healthy Longevity rankings (high HALE and a gap between HALE and unadjusted Life Expectancy), expanded datasets beyond their present scope (currently using 12,000 data points, 240 parameters applied to 50 regions globally, and 6-layer analytical framework in the alpha version), policy-focused predictive analysis to model the impact of specific social, health and economic initiatives on National Healthy Longevity, smart-matching capabilities, and real-time data feeds on relevant Longevity, healthcare and economic programs and initiatives around the world.
The dashboard utilizes the results of its analysis to offer tangible and practical recommendations tuned to the specifics of individual countries and territories, providing the necessary set of tools to allow regions currently leading the international Healthy Longevity race to maintain their current standing, and to allow countries currently lagging behind others to improve their comparative global standing, enabling inflection points within the opposed megatrends of Ageing Population and Advanced Biomedicine to be leveraged to enable economic growth and increases in quality of life, and features region-specific recommendation packs to enable governments currently lagging behind others to reduce their HALE gap and improve their comparative global standing, transforming the deficit and challenge of the silver tsunami into the asset and opportunity of Healthy Longevity for the mutual benefit of their citizens and their national economies. Interested parties can request notification of the beta version release here.
At the summit, Kaminskiy also presented the parallel project being developed by Aging Analytics Agency’s sister company, Deep Knowledge Analytics: the COVID-19 Analytics Dashboard, which applies similar techniques in Big Data comparative analytics, quantitative benchmarking and sophisticated data visualization solutions to the scope of factors influencing the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The platform inherits and builds upon the full scope of COVID-19 analyses that Deep Knowledge Analytics has been conducting during 2020, which has received widespread media coverage in The Washington Post, Nikkei Asian Review, FOX News, Esquire, Forbes, CNN, The Straits Times, The National, Der Spiegel, Deutsche Welle, and many others, as well as a large number of notable international governmental acknowledgements, including Alain Berset (Former President of Switzerland), Hong Nam-ki (Deputy Prime Minister of South Korea), Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel), Vivian Balakrishnan (Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs), Karin Prien (German Minister of Education, Science and Culture), Hemann Gröhe (German Minister of Health from 2013-2018), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Central African Republic, the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Media, and Judit Varga (Hungarian Minister of Justice).

Aging Analytics Agency has been active on the forefront of International Longevity Policy and Governance for a number of years now, and has produced a number of Longevity policy-focused special case studies that serve as important analytical precedents for the Longevity Dashboard, including the 540-page “Global Longevity Governance Landscape: 50 Countries Big Data Comparative Analysis of Longevity Progressiveness”, “National Longevity Development Plans Global Landscape Overview 2019”, “Longevity & Metabesity: USA Special Case Study” (jointly produced with the popular USA conference series Metabesity) and “Advanced Biomedicine in the Gulf Region: Prospects for the Development of a Full-Scale Gulf Longevity Hub”, all of which laid important groundwork for the development and release of the Longevity Policy and Governance analytics featured on the dashboard.

Interested readers can review a thematic summary of the entire summit below.
Full Summary of the 2nd Annual International Longevity Policy and Governance Summit 2020
Summit chair:
Tina Woods, CEO, Longevity International
Dr Richard Siow
Director, Ageing Research at King's College London
COVID-19 has and continues to draw humanity’s focus to global health as the shared foundation for our shared forward progress.
Professor Sir Robert Lechler
President, Academy of Medical Sciences; Emeritus Senior Vice President (Health) at King’s College London; Executive Director of King’s Health Partners; Special advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee for the response to COVID-19
One Health Agenda for our global village.
Surveillance of the interface between human and animal species.
Collaboration and cooperation as prerequisite to high impact science.
Entrenched social inequalities, health promotion and prevention.
Global analysis: COVID-19 risk and safety rankings
Dmitry Kaminskiy
Managing Partner, Deep Knowledge Group
Interactive dashboard analytics for COVID-19 applied to 250 countries, regions and territories
Visualising the global longevity industry and its intersection with COVID-19.
Large differences between national strategies for COVID-19 and the need for a more harmonized global response.
Paradigm shift from treatment to prevention and P4 medicine.
Health is the new wealth.
COVID-19 regional safety assessment to analyse the health, societal and economic status for regions in terms of absolute and relative stability, safety and risk.
New Longevity Governance Dashboard announced: real-time data feeds and Big Data Analysis of Longevity Governance progressiveness for 50 regions; SWOT analysis and practical recommendations to help nations optimize Longevity strategy
Interestingly, several regions scored well in both COVID-19 response and Longevity Governance Progressiveness analytics
Key features among regions that scored well in both COVID and Longevity include explicit prioritization of several specific sectors and technologies: Preventive Medicine, Efficient GovTech (eGovernance), Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence, and robust National Healthy Longevity Industrial Strategies
COVID-19 and healthy longevity: the biomedical perspective
Dr Cassandra Coburn
Editor, Lancet Healthy Longevity
Repurposing drugs for COVID-19.
Alex Zhavoronkov
Founder & CEO, Insilico Medicine
COVID-19 is an age-related disease.
Immune senescence as the link between COVID-19 and ageing.
Rapalogs and other geroprotectors to prevent and treat COVID-19.
COVID-19 has accelerated the research effort into the biology of ageing.
Professor Brian Kennedy
Director, Centre for Healthy Ageing; Biochemistry and Physiology, National University of Singapore
Ageing as a primary risk factor for chronic diseases — and for complications of infectious diseases.
Promising molecules and targets for interventions towards healthy longevity.
Professor Lynne Cox
Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University
Multimorbidity and chronic diseases reduce the resilience of older people.
Immunosenescence leads to a poor vaccination response re: COVID-19.
Geroprotector drugs can support immmunoresilience and healthy longevity.
Panel discussion
Scaling down the cost of new interventions without limiting progress.
COVID-19 and healthy longevity: the business perspective
Professor Andrew Scott
London Business School
COVID-19 as an accelerator for the longevity industry.
Corporate behaviour and government policy.
Stephen Johnston
Aging2.0 Collective, Systems Entrepreneur
Home care solutions to ageing healthily and happily in place.
Community, social connections and healthy longevity.
Employer-driven health insurance and longevity ecosystems.
John Godfrey
Corporate Affairs Director, Legal & General
Healthy populations preclude healthy economies.
Using COVID-19 to identify climate and health parallels.
Sergey Young
Longevity Vision Fund
COVID-19 has increased the number and size of longevity players.
Global regulatory innovation and framework evolution.
COVID-19 and healthy longevity: the policy perspective
Rt. Hon Damian Green, MP
Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity
Health and resilience are more important than ever before.
COVID-19 has exposed the UK as unhealthy and unequal.
Public health spending should increase from 5 % to 15 % GDP.
Adriane Berg
Executive Director, Kitalys Institute, Founder of The National Academy of Elderlaw Attorneys, Host of Generation Bold, member of the United Nations NGO on Aging's Communication Committee
Changing the US longevity narrative, from protecting the vulnerable to preventing vulnerability.
Healthy longevity moonshot for all US residents in the next decade.
Education. Eat right, exercise and socialise.
Obesity is the new smoking and smoking largely defeated in the US through regulatory courage.
H.E. Dr. Al Amiri, Ass. Undersecretary for Public Health Policy and Licensing, Ministry of Health and Prevention, United Arab Emirates
Targeting longevity policy at younger generations is the definition of longevity.
Technologies for communication and feedback between healthy longevity policy and the people it impacts.
Panel discussion
Highest impact COVID-19 policies globally are diverse and focussed locally.
Exercise and mental health policy and governance.
Country reflections: COVID-19 legacy for healthy longevity
Mr. Inamura Takuma
Director, Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (Japan)
Japan’s healthy longevity solutions to one of Earth’s significant ageing populations.
Social security systems underpin the capacity for countries to effect healthy longevity.
Personalised healthcare administration facilitates participation.
H.E. Dr. Al Amiri, Ass. Undersecretary for Public Health Policy and Licensing, Ministry of Health and Prevention, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
From vision to action in preventive medicine to reduce diabetes, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
Reduced prevalence of smoking as crucial for healthcare systems’ readiness to deal with future pandemics.
Dr. Alex Mihailidis
Associate Vice-President – International Partnerships & Professor, University of Toronto, Scientific Director, AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence (Canada)
Canada’s 50+ population is less optimistic about ageing now than before COVID-19.
Equitable access of Canada’s healthcare system has led to more people living longer with chronic diseases.
Education and confidence with technology can lessen the impacts of COVID-19.
Ms. Joanna Bensz
Founder and CEO, Longevity Center; CEO, International Institute of Longevity (Poland)
95 % healthcare spending in Poland allocated to treatment of age-associated diseases and 5 % to the understanding of the biological processes behind them.
Integrating multidisciplinary teams of healthcare and research professionals to provide a comprehensive physical and emotional healthcare service.
Lord Geoff Filkin
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity (UK)
UK’s pre-COVID poor health and inequality is observable in its COVID-19 statistics.
Opportunities for global healthcare and longevity in the wake up call from COVID-19.