Longevity Industry in California
Aging Analytics Agency's “Longevity Industry in California: Landscape Overview 2019” report delivers a comprehensive overview of the history, present state and near-future trajectory of the Californian Longevity Industry, profiling its key players including 220 leading companies, 255 investors, 80 influencers, 40 research labs, 40 non-profit and 15 governmental organizations active in the Golden State’s Longevity sphere. The report is accompanied by the launch of an online IT-platform that transforms the static data and graphics featured in the report into interactive mindmaps, enabling the complex interactions between industry entities and stakeholders in the region to be visualized, filtered, searched and thus more easily understood.
The choice of California as the subject of Aging Analytics Agency’s regional Longevity industry report series is justified for a number of reasons. The Golden State plays an important role on the global Longevity scene. It is the world’s fifth-largest economy and, at almost 40 million people, is the most populous U.S. state. It is home to a plethora of top-ranked universities and research institutions which lead the nation in biomedical research grants from NIH and drive innovation. California’s decades-long public policy supports life sciences ecosystem through tax incentives as well via state-sponsored initiatives promoting the use of advanced technology to better understand and treat diseases. Due to the state’s healthy business climate as well as a strong success record of its life sciences companies, the state has long been a magnet for biotech investment - it consistently leads the nation in attracting venture capital funding and boasts four biotech mega-clusters in San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties.
Compared to the rest of the United States, Californians take a progressive stance on Longevity - the state ranked second for life expectancy at birth and third for healthy life expectancy. However, on a global scale, California is lagging behind other leading world regions with respect to these parameters, especially considering the amount of corresponding health expenditures. While the government of California views healthy Longevity as a priority as evidenced by a multitude of government-sponsored initiatives and by its network of agencies tasked with addressing the needs of the elderly, the state is far from being immune from the so-called Silver Tsunami challenges - its elderly population is increasing rapidly and governing a rapidly graying state means dealing with higher overall healthcare costs, particularly for low-income seniors, as well as facing the retirement and long-term care crises. Unsurprisingly, the newly elected Governor Gavin Newsom committed to creating a comprehensive California Master Plan on Aging and Alzheimer’s Task Force. However, increased Longevity also presents a number of opportunities, both societal and economic, as further described in the report.
The report is structured so as to introduce readers to the key developments in the Longevity field in California as well as offers a global perspective on the topic. By utilizing a variety of infographic mind maps, the report first enables the audience to quickly identify its core analytical findings and conclusions. Its chapter sequence then introduces readers to specific areas of the Longevity industry in California by highlighting pertinent scientific and technological trends, providing an overview of underlying demographic and economic data as well as by analyzing existing and projected governmental policies, among other issues. The report’s appendices offer detailed information regarding companies, investors, influencers, research institutions, government entities, non-profit organizations and other principal participants in California’s Longevity field.