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Longevity and Precision Medicine Clinics in Switzerland
Landscape Overview 2021


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“Longevity and Precision Medicine Clinics in Switzerland Landscape Overview 2021” is a special analytical case study by Aging Analytics Agency that uses comprehensive analytical frameworks to rank and benchmark Longevity and Precision Medicine Clinics in Switzerland. Assessing approximately 40 Leading Swiss Clinics, it provides an in-depth look at the Swiss Longevity and Precision Medicine Clinics Industry. The Life Expectancy Index is one of the bright indicators that Longevity Medicine is high performing in Switzerland. In 2020, Switzerland was ranked first in Europe in terms of life expectancy (more than 83.8 years) in 2020. Methodologically and conceptually similar, Longevity Medicine is an integral part of Anti-Aging Medicine. Anti-Aging Medicine is an evolving branch of medical science that treats the underlying causes of ageing and aims to alleviate age-related ailments. Its ultimate goal is to extend the human healthy lifespan.

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